为什么参加 in the 上海大学毕业生大满贯?

H一个 Your 研究 Communication Skills


Lupe Franco, '21 MS Environmental Studies

"的 knowledge and skill set I developed leading up to the 毕业生大满贯 have helped me both academically and professionally. I knew that I wanted to improve and strengthen my public speaking ability, and this opportunity allowed me to not only attain this goal, but it allowed me to feel more confident about my ability to effectively communicate my research to various audiences."


Jai Araujo, MS Nutritional 科学 (Packaging)

"I’ve always been super shy and scared of public speaking. [毕业生大满贯] was super challenging for me and an opportunity to grow as a person."


Holt Hanley, '21 MS Meteorology

"I decided to participate in the 毕业生大满贯 because I knew it would be a great way to practice my communication skills. Becoming a better speaker is 一个 of my top goals, and I figured this competition would help me get closer to that goal. Developing the ability to communicate will help you in almost every aspect of your 生活. You will learn valuable skills that you will be able to apply beyond the Grad 大满贯. If you don't think you have the time, just do what I do when I think I am too 忙... check my screentime report."

Prepare for a Successful Career

"毕业生大满贯 gives you the opportunity to show off your work to a wider audience beyond 你的部门. 的 skills, knowledge, and publicity is something that you can share in your professional portfolios and extend your connections.——卢佩·弗兰科

"毕业生大满贯 has already benefited me professionally. At the same time I was practicing for 毕业生大满贯, I was training at KSBW to be the fill in weatherman. 我培养的技能 preparing for 毕业生大满贯 directly translated to my work in the news and gave me increased confidence during my first ever live TV weather forecast.——霍尔特·汉利


的 first place winner receives $1,200. 的 second place winner receives $800. 的 People’s Choice award winner receives $500.